Finding the right size rock!

Here is a look at several similar models for sizing comparison.  The curious gentleman in the photos represents an average 6′ tall individual.

Looking for that perfect size for the curb stop, cleanout, small outlet or simply to add in a natural feature to your existing landscape?  Fake Rock Camo has the right shape and size for your application!

Medium Rocks

Sized for well casing, backflow devices and phone/cable pedestals, Fake Rock Camo medium sized rocks are sized specifically for each application!  Super easy to install and access for future service and our testing of the device found below!

Big Rocks

Typically used for well pressure tanks, large pumping systems and clustered utility pedestals, Fake Rock Camo has a large rock that works for just about any application!

Flat Rocks

Flat models are designed for a number of low profile installations including septic lids and risers, irrigation valve boxes and low profile utility access covers.

Still need personal assistance on sizing?

All rocks are created off natural stone boulders.  Due to natural effects which include crevices, outcroppings and pretty much any natural irregular texture, our Fake Rock Camo rocks mimic the real rocks they were created off of.  Careful attention needs to be taken in identifying what it is you are covering and what the size rock that works best will be.  For example, a rock that measures 24 inches round and 12 inches tall does not necessarily mean the rock is exactly 24 inches round at the height of 12 inches.  Fake Rock Camo is more than happy to provide you with their expertise in sizing your application with the proper rock size.